Fill out the form below to get the ball rolling.

We’ll be in touch within two (2) business days to verify your identity and get you set up to open an account online.

To be eligible to apply online you need to be:

  • 16 years of age or older;
  • a Tasmanian resident and Australian Citizen; and
  • the holder of a current Tasmanian Driver’s Licence and Medicare card

If you are not eligible to apply online, please give us a call on 1300 306 716 between 8:30am and 5:00pm (AEST), Monday to Friday for help.

Personal Details

Your Name
Residential Address
Postal Address

Please nominate the best phone number to contact you on during business hours.

Are you a resident of a foreign country for taxation purposes? 
Please register me to receive the latest news and offers by email? 

Bank of us membership

When you join Bank of us and subsequently open a deposit account or take out a loan with us, you become a member as detailed in the "Account & Access Facility Conditions of Use". As a member, you can, among other things, vote at our Annual General Meeting. You would also be liable for a guarantee amount (currently $1.00) in the unlikely event that the company is wound up. You may resign your membership by providing us notice in writing and closing all your Bank of us accounts.

Would you like to receive notice of the Bank of us Annual General Meeting? 

By clicking the "submit" button below you acknowledge that you:

  • agree to provide the personal information requested by Bank of us in this on-line application and understand that Bank of us does this in accordance with its Privacy Policy .
If you do not agree with the above then you should not proceed with your application.