Keeping yourself and your finances safe online doesn't have to be complicated. There are a few simple things you can do today to improve your online security...

1. Keep your Internet Banking limits low

When was the last time you checked your Internet Banking limit? If you’ve increased it recently to make a larger payment (our online banking default limit is $2,000) make sure that it has been reduced. A lower limit makes it harder for a cyber-criminal to move large sums of money from your bank accounts in one go and gives you a greater chance to notice the suspicious activity and put a stop to it.

2. Use One Time Passwords

These days it's a good idea to have an additional way to authorise any new payments or transfers from your account. One-time passwords, a type of 2nd-factor authorisation, have become the norm for many types of transactions, across a wide range of organisations. Our Internet Banking users are protected by One Time Passwords for certain types of transactions. If you are not sure if you’re set up for OTPs, please give us a call to check. As the use of OTPs increases, it is crucial that if you believe your mobile phone has been compromised or you change your mobile phone number that you let the relevant organisations who use a OTP know immediately to ensure you remain protected.

3. Make sure your passwords are strong

It’s easy to fall into the trap of using the same or weak passwords, simply because you can remember them. But if they’re easy for you to recall then it’s safe to say that they will be easy for someone to hack. To make it harder for this to happen, you could use a password manager to generate and store all your strong passwords. There are many password managers available. Do your research and choose the right one for you or alternatively, you can create your own strong memorable passwords. Try using a sentence or combine two like, My first dog was called Sally. She had 12 pups. By taking the first letter of each word and including the numbers, you end up with a stronger password like MfdwcS.Sh12p. – with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols and as a bonus you’ll have a built-in way to remember it.

4. Set up your SmartBanking app login

Did you know you can change the way you access your app? Instead of always logging in with your Internet Banking login and password, you can choose from a 4-digit PIN, Touch ID (iPhone only) or swipe pattern authentication. Remember to treat your PIN and swipe pattern like you would a normal password and make it as random as possible (without making it impossible for you to remember).

Don’t wait until it is too late. Review the security measures you currently have in place today to make sure you’ve got the best protection possible against a cyber-attack. For more tips, checkout our blog '5 ways to protect your personal info'.


 Please note this information is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances or objectives. You should consider this before acting on any of the information contained.